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MediaGlyphs Project

MG: trust; believe MG: quality; trait; attribute; characteristic; property

Semantic relations:

English: trust, trustingness, trustfulness
the trait of believing in the honesty and reliability of others
the experience destroyed his trust and personal dignity
Français: confiance, foi
Româneşte: încredere
Bahasa Indonesia: kepercayaan, keyakinan, percaya
Suomi: luottamus, luottavaisuus
Galego: confianza
Español: certidumbre, confianza, fé
日本語: 信用しんよう
Hrvatski: pouzdanje, pouzdavanje, povjerenje, vjera
Ελληνικά: εμπιστοσύνη
Slovenščina: zaupanje, zaupljivost

WordNet: 1

العربية: اِئتِمان, <root> أمن, ثِقَة, <root> وثق, ائتمان, ثقة
Italiano: fiducia
Bahasa Melayu: kepercayaan, keyakinan, percaya
Català: confiança
Euskara: konfiantza
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[MG: oneMG: tooth; teethMG: for; in exchange forMG: oneMG: tooth; teeth,MG: oneMG: eye; oculus; opticMG: for; in exchange forMG: oneMG: eye; oculus; optic]A tooth for a tooth; An eye for an eye